
I am so glad you have chosen to visit my blog! I pray you are thoroughly blessed. My mission is not to bring glory to myself, but to God. You will see a very real, true, raw side of me that maybe you have never seen before. Maybe I am treating this as a diary, maybe not. I am only following God's leading.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It's Time!

This morning I decided was a perfect morning for a walk! So I put on my tennis shoes, turned on my MP3 player, and away I went. I love morning walks! The beautiful sunrises! Listening to my favorite worship songs. Just me and my God. It's peace. It's quiet.

I have had a lot of "junk" swirling around in my head again lately. A lot of the "what if" thoughts. A lot of anxiety. A lot of negativity. This morning on my walk, I listened to a song by Nichole Nordeman called "I AM", and I realized that despite all my talks to myself and to others about ME, it's time to focus on my God and His goodness! It's time to jot down His attributes and His names that mean so much to me. After all, my life is all about Him. Not me. If it weren't for Him, I would not be the woman I am today. Doing His work. Whatever that may be.

Holy, Awesome, Amazing, Healer, Forgiver, Sustainer, Provider, my Papa, Deliverer, my Superhero, I Am, Compassionate, Gracious, Slow to Anger, Abounding in Love, my Best Friend, my Messiah, Shepherd, Savior, Redeemer, my Rock, my Lord, Perfect....

...my list could go on and on! He is so worthy of all this and so much more.
I had a thought this morning. We are adding a bathroom on to our bedroom and it seems like it is taking FOREVER! I was feeling quiet upset this morning about it and as I was walking I thought, "it's only a bathroom! What if I was this passionate about Jesus returning? What if I was this impatient for Him to come again?" This isn't the first time I have had this thought, and it really put things into perspective for me. Is my life reflecting all those names that I have given my Lord? Do people see Him in me? No matter what happens in my life? No matter what He may have in store for me?

As I am busy typing this blog, I thought of something. And I am kind of going out on a limb here, but I'm going to try it. I know that as you have read this you have thought of other names for our God. If you have, I would love for you to share them with me. Post a comment with those names. Let's see how many attributes we can give our God!
God bless you!


  1. Abba father. Sheperd, Alpha Omaga begining and end. Healer. Wise, my Savoir. Jenny u r awesome, thanks for being real--a true gem.

  2. Strong tower, Great Physician, God of Jacob. Creator, Author and Perfecter, merciful King. Omnipotent, omniscient, the Original and the Final. The One who made us and made a way for us!

  3. great I AM, Savior, Creator, Healer,
    Jen, I truly have been blessed by reading your blog, I am very proud of you and your openness. I understand all your frustrations with your weight and self image. I'm glad your working through things and getting healthy. Take one day at a time. And remember you are loved by so many and so many are blessed by who you are.
    Much love, Kari Dalman Bush

  4. He's my All in All, Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Strength, Fortress, Lamb of God and Worthy (plus all of the above and so much more!!!). Jenny, I love this post!! You are so right...it's so easy to lose focus and let the things of this world get us sidetracked. He definitely deserves 1st place in all our thoughts and actions. Thanks for the reminder. I love you tons!~Janet

  5. No additional words, but my dearest friends have alot of those qualities.....Bob
