
I am so glad you have chosen to visit my blog! I pray you are thoroughly blessed. My mission is not to bring glory to myself, but to God. You will see a very real, true, raw side of me that maybe you have never seen before. Maybe I am treating this as a diary, maybe not. I am only following God's leading.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Here we go!

So here I am....with a blog. Where to begin. I guess first of all, maybe just a little bit of explanation as to WHY I started a blog. My only real explanation is God. I'm not here to give updates on my family, although they may sneak in here once in a while. I don't have any major illness that I need to keep everyone up to date on, however, what a wonderful tool God has given those who do. I'm here because I felt God nudging me to do this. To keep sort of a diary, if you will, being open, honest, and candid about my life. You see, God has brought me through some pretty big challenges in my life, ones that I never expected to go through, yet ones that I know I am not alone in. I want to reach out to others in the same "boat" I am in. To lend love, support, and strength to others, and maybe to gain those for myself as well.
I feel like I am standing at the beginning of a one way street. The only way to go is ahead. I cannot turn around, I cannot take back what I type and send. I am terrified as to what everyone who reads this will think of me. I know there will be lots of you who know me that are reading this. Please don't think any less of me. I am God's priceless Princess, and that is ALL that matters!
I am sitting on our deck typing this. Enjoying the wonderful breeze, the sounds of birds, my farm kitty...and the wonderful fragrance of PIGS!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaahhhhh, nothing like that farm fresh smell! My husband says, "It is the smell of money." Uuummm..........don't think so!!! :D I have so much more I want to type, but feel like I have already been too lengthy today. I'll be back tomorrow, ready to hit the gas and go down that one way street. I hope you will come with me.
God bless you!!

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